Charlotte is 16 years old
and is currently doing A-Levels in Art, Sociology, Psychology and I.T. She’s
usually listening to music by Hoodie Allen but if she’s not doing that she’ll
be dancing to the newest dance music. In her spare time she likes to hang out
with friends and eat, she has mates over all the time and they just sit, snack,
and watch movies. I would say that her
style is quite on trend and she tends to wear quite a lot of black but always
accessorises her outfits with a necklace, scarf and Pandora rings. She has
quite a few of them now in a variety of colours and styles to match her outfit.
Her hair is always perfect, up or down, curly or straight. Upper eyeliner is
always on point too might I add. Charlotte is a confident girl and isn’t scared
to pull a stupid face at the camera and is also popular with the boys. When at
home on her own, she’ll be chilling in black leggings, grey jumper and hair
tied back, if not she’ll be with her boyfriend, ‘danny zucko’. For hobbies
charlotte likes catching up on the gossip on Instagram, doing a bit of Zumba
and skyping her closest chums.
Eleanor Guiver
Eleanor and Charlotte are
very similar but Eleanor has a few traits that are slightly different. She is
again 16 years old but is taking Psychology, Maths and Biology so very
scientific subjects. She did used to take textiles but dropped that from the
work load as all the other subjects were taking up all her time. Eleanor’s
music taste is a little more varied as she listens to quite a lot of things
that is in the charts. Sometimes she’ll dance to ex Disney stars music and
other times it will be Hoodie Allen like Charlotte. In her spare time she likes
to go horse riding and also dancing and she has developed quite muscly arms
from the riding. Eleanor can get away with wearing anything; she could come to
school impersonating a tramp and still look fabulous. I don’t know how she does
it. Her hair is naturally curly so normally she puts it half up half down to
keep it out of her face and it stays in all day, no matter what. Eleanor loves
to take a selfie when she’s out with her friends and they’ll soon appear on
Snapchat along with all the incoming Snapchat’s that people send to her. Her
hobbies are pretty much the same as what she does in her spare time although I
think she may do a bit of Zumba also on Wednesdays.
Olivia Moore
Olivia is 16 again and is
keen on learning French to speak to her boyfriend fluently when she goes over
to France to see him. At college she is taking, English language, French and
philosophy. Quite a lot of the time you’ll see her wearing, leggings, ugg boots
and her big jack wills coat that is just amazing. It’s so fluffy on the inside
and I think it may be her first winter coat in years. Olivia is always
listening to music, you can’t get headphones out of her ears. She’s usually
listening to something either really old and traditional or sexual and cheeky. Whether
it’s having a dance at lunch or in a lesson, she will always find an excuse to
put on her latest tune. Olivia writes in her spare time about football, Chelsea
mainly, she has a bit of an obsession with a certain player. I think she may
have made a fan page on Instagram for him. Her articles about the sport have
now become very popular and over three thousand people are following her to see
what she has to say. Also in her spare time Olivia likes to dance and horse
ride to take her mind off all the coursework she’s loaded with.
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